Sloan Bella Psychic Medium Master Astrologer

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

While the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of each year in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery, something has changed and this is no longer as permanent as it once was. For the first time since 2007, when the Sun returned just before Christmas it was to find Pluto, the planet of change and transformation gone and while he has dipped in and out over the last two years, this time he is not only gone for good but is in the early months of a 20 year visit to your career sector. By the time the Sun returned Venus and the dwarf planet Ceres had also left, but not before helping you work on your bucket list. While Mercury will move through from 8th January to 28th January and that will help you turn that bucket list into a game plan and resolutions, with the Sun leaving on 20th January and no more planets returning until later in the year, this will leave this adventurous part of your chart empty. This will be a whole new experience and especially as this coincides with the rise of the professional side of life's fence. While Venus will leave your career sector on 3rd January, the dwarf planet Ceres is here until later next month, the Sun will return on 20th January, Mercury on 28th January and the Moon on 29th January to begin the lead up to the first New Moon of 2025 a day later. By that point your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery will be empty, a brand new experience, but helping to maintain a balance between work and play will be the South Node's return to a playful and creative part of your chart on 12th January. Meanwhile, Venus is moving on to spend the rest of the month in your friendship sector, where she will benefit from the support of the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector from the start and from Mars' return to your communication sector on 6th January. It is there that a Full Moon on 14th January will see the Moon and Mars join forces to push for a communication breakthrough.

Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope

At the same time that as you move into the New Year there is stability and continuity on the relationship front, there is also change in the air on the romantic front. For the first time in nine years, you have not only moved into the New Year with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships in your relationship sector, but she will spend much of the year here. Normally only here for three months, having returned in October Juno will leave next month, only to return in April to spend another six months here. This will also come with a lot of support. With Mars retrograding back into your communication sector on 6th January and support from Venus, the planet of love when she returns to a social and serendipitous part of your chart on 3rd January, this not only allows you to move into the New Year with something to commit to but with ongoing support. While Mars will leave your communication sector in April, Juno will be back when Jupiter returns to begin his 12 month visit in June. The love, communication and relationship gods will not only be working together in January but for much of the coming year. You will have a chance to check in on this and become more emotionally engaged and aware when the Moon returns for its first visit to your relationship sector for the year from 22nd January to 24th January. Meanwhile, it is on the romantic front that there is change in the air, with the South Node returning for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year on 12th January. As well as setting the scene for a series of eclipses, for the next 18 months the South Node will be a defender of the spirit of romance. The Moon will return for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year and since the South Node's return from 17th January to 19th January.

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