Your Relationship Reading
This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Your Shared Path

Your Path's Goal
Their Path's Goal

That Which Will Influence You
That Which Will Influence Them

That Which Influences You
That Which Influences Them

Your Past Influence
Their Past Influence
Your Shared Path

Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.

Your Path's Goal

Ancient culture associate Magpies with excellent fortune so it looks like you’ve got something really terrific coming into your life today. However, you may need to search a little to understand the true gift that’s being presented. Pay attention to omens, messages, the clouds, feathers, and bird song. Your fortune is hidden in those subtle messages. Opportunity is knocking at your door, will you answer?

Their Path's Goal

Wolverine is thought to be a bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. He has the ability to survive in the most difficult terrains and his message to you is of inner strength. Have you forgotten just how powerful you really are? If so, it’s time to refocus and re-dedicate and remember that Wolverine medicine runs through your blood.

That Which Will Influence You

Is Big Foot real or a hoax? It doesn't really matter, because he has ambled into your reading to remind you of life's mysteries. Not everything can be explained, not everything can be touched but that doesn't mean it don't exist. Suspend your logic for a bit, and be open to the mystery.

That Which Will Influence Them

You'll never get too close to Armadillo as his hard shell will keep you at arm's length! And, if this roly poly fellow is in your reading, he's asking YOU to examine the areas where you need a hard shell boundaries! Do you “do” for everyone but never “do” for yourself? Or, are you being TOO sensitive, protecting yourself even when danger isn't present?

That Which Influences You

Bear represents a time of reflection and stillness-a time of entering the inner cave of Self to contemplate life's challenges. Bear often appears during times of confusion and unrest-those unsettling moments when you turn to everyone you know for answers-everyone except yourself. Go within, ask the hard questions then listen.

That Which Influences Them

Turtle carries his home on his back, and his question to you today is whether your life is weighed down with “things” that serve no purpose. Everyone loves buying stuff, but do you use shopping, spending, and the acquisition of “things” as a substitute for passion, conviction, commitment? It’s worth thinking about, isn’t it?

Your Past Influence

Badger is a ferocious opponent, unwilling to back down over any issue. Unfortunately, this unwavering stance leads some Badgers to their demise. If Badger has dug into your reading, he is asking whether you are fighting the right fight. Is this issue the hill you’re willing to die on, or are you fighting for no other reason than pure stubbornness? Think about it.

Their Past Influence

You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today and play the role that will serve you best.

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