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This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will
effect your life from month to month over the next year.
In this reading Animal Spirit Influences may repeat themselves.
Indeed, you may find that the same Animal Spirit reflects the primary
influence of many months in the year before you.
Get Another Reading
Spider represents a connection between past and future, to remind you that the web you weave today is the web you will inhabit tomorrow. Are you spinning a balanced future? Spider is also a creator, spinning stories just as easily as she does a web. Spider in your reading asks you to consider the future you are weaving-does it include your biggest dreams?
Sorrow and worry have no place in your life today, as Hummingbird’s message is one of absolute joy. Hummer’s darting movements, flashes of brilliant reds and greens, and unmistakable whirr are all guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of even the most dour among us. If live has been difficult of late, know that joy is whirring your way.
Wolf can survive either as a loner or as part of a pack, and he howls to remind you that you have to balance the needs of others with the needs of the self. If you’re giving yourself away to your own detriment, you are living in opposition to Wolf medicine. Return to balance and begin feeding your emotions, your mind, and your body.
Poor Rabbit! No other animal is so associated with fear than the Rabbit, that nervous little bunny who hops and leaps at every little sound. Rabbit has come to you today to ask you to have the courage to face whatever difficulties you’re having instead of running away to a safe burrow. Face your fears, examine your old “fight or flight” patterns, and determine once and for all to stop hiding away.
Ever watched a school of dolphins playing with each other, or with the surfers in their midst? If you have, you’ll understand the message Dolphin brings today the message of joyful play. Dolphins are in total harmony with their environment, and practice love for each other always helping the young, or a sick comrade. Join Dolphin’s happy community today and celebrate how much we’re all alike, instead of focusing on our differences.
Phew! Everyone knows a Skunk’s power. That’s why people (and other animals) get out of his way! If you’re lacking self-esteem, Skunk is there to help. You are worthy of a happy life and if someone is making you miserable, look to Skunk as a confidence builder. Remember, though, Skunk doesn’t have to spray to be powerful. His reputation precedes him! And, like Skunk, you don’t need to spray either but you do need to stand your ground calmly, and with Skunk’s confidence.
Mockingbirds are master imitators, and can mimic the calls of many other birds. They’re also fearless protectors of their nest, and will attack any bird (no matter how large) to protect their young. Mockingbird’s lesson for you today is twofold: to listen to how you might be mimicking others, instead of listening to your own true voice; and to examine the value of what you defend. Hmmm?
Loons mate for life, and their medicine is about loyalty, family, and deep caring for one another. If you’re experiencing a relationship fraught with power struggles, you are NOT practicing Loon medicine. If your relationship has BECOME a power struggle, Loon has appeared to remind you that this is a time of equal sharing and equal happiness. Something is amiss and Loon thinks you already know what it is.
Hoard, hoard, hoard! Squirrel has been a busy fellow, gathering food for the long winter ahead and he advises you to do the same. Have you set enough money aside to get you through lean times, or do you squander what you earn? We all love a shopping spree, but if Squirrel scurries into your reading, he’s cautioning you to spend a little, but also save a little.
Wake up! Woodpecker is tired of trying to get your attention, and will peck and peck and peck until you hear the message. You have received the answer to a major question time and again, but refuse to act on it. It’s okay to ignore a solution but be forewarned that woodpecker will keep making racket until you make some movement forward!
Loons mate for life, and their medicine is about loyalty, family, and deep caring for one another. If you’re experiencing a relationship fraught with power struggles, you are NOT practicing Loon medicine. If your relationship has BECOME a power struggle, Loon has appeared to remind you that this is a time of equal sharing and equal happiness. Something is amiss and Loon thinks you already know what it is.
Wake up! Woodpecker is tired of trying to get your attention, and will peck and peck and peck until you hear the message. You have received the answer to a major question time and again, but refuse to act on it. It’s okay to ignore a solution but be forewarned that woodpecker will keep making racket until you make some movement forward!