You the Significator and Your Life Force |
Jack of Clubs
The Knight (Jack) of Clubs represents a friend. This person is popular, good-hearted and playful and may admire you more than you know.
That Which Influences Your Thoughts |
Six of Clubs
Financial aid may become available to you in the near future. Don’t be too proud to accept it.
That Which Influences Your Emotions |
Seven of Clubs
Business success, although there may be problems with the opposite sex. A change in employment that may have been expected or earned, such as a promotion.
That Which Influences Your Spirit |
Two of Diamonds
This card represents a meeting. It could be friendly or hostile depending on the surrounding cards. If next to the king, queen or knight of spades, be very cautious.
That Which Influences Your Physical Self |
Two of Hearts
A warm, strong partnership. This is a very favorable card that indicates strength and support coming from a partner in your professional or personal life.
Forces that Oppose You |
Three of Hearts
If more cards in your reading are hearts or diamonds, this card indicates love and happiness. If more cards in your reading are clubs or spades, this indicates an inability to decide who to love.
Other Forces that Oppose You |
Nine of Diamonds
The Nine of Diamonds represents support, friendliness or personal ambition. It also helps reduce the effect of any unfriendly cards in your reading.
Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront |
Queen of Clubs
This royal card usually represents a very close female friend. She could also be an older relative or someone in a higher position at work.
The Outcome |
Jack of Spades
The Knight (Jack) of Spades indicates an unpleasant period of time or troubles.
Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Twos indicate you may be close to leaving a relationship behind. 2 Jacks in your reading indicate there will be some disagreements for you to deal with.
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