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Your Present Situation

Nine of Hearts

The card of wishes. Look to the card just preceding this one. If it is a heart or a diamond your wish will be fulfilled. If it is a club, your wish will only partially be fulfilled. If a spade preceded this card, your wish not be fulfilled.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Six of Clubs

Financial aid may become available to you in the near future. Don’t be too proud to accept it.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

Nine of Clubs

Achievement usually associated with an accomplishment you have been striving toward for some time. This can indicate a wealthy marriage or a sudden windfall.

Your Strengths

Seven of Hearts

Someone is stating an interest in you that is not true. Their intention is dishonorable or their affections are falsely stated. This card can indicate lovesickness.

Other Challenges

Queen of Spades

This royal card represents a woman who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If she is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, she may be a widow.

The Final Outcome

King of Spades

This royal card represents a man who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If he is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, he may be a widower.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Nines in your reading indicate you are about to make minor gains.

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