
Sloan Bella Psychic Medium Master Astrologer


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Celestite can relieve stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviors. It is a perfect piece to carry for those who are singers, actors or speakers, as the energy will alleviate any type of stage fright or nervousness. Celestite gives courage to those who suffer from agoraphobia (fear of crowds) or public speaking. It can be beneficial for shy or timid children to try new experiences. Celestite brings harmony and balance, and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for Reiki practice.



Celestite or Celestine,

Astrology-Libra and Gemini

Numerology- 2-8

holds special significance for all who look to the light-filled heavens and experience a wonderful sense of peace, an elevation of spirit, and an overwhelming awareness of belonging, not just to mankind but to the universe and all that dwells there. Celestite’s ethereal blue crystals reflect the many hues of our celestial dome and is perhaps the loveliest of the blue energy crystals. It is a powerful activator of the Throat Chakra, as well as the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, stimulating the spiritual senses and bringing a swift and dynamic connection to the higher realms. It is foremost a Stone of Heavenly Communication, particularly with the angelic realm, and is one of the most effective for connecting with one’s guardian angels or spirit guides.

Celestite’s high-vibrational frequency radiates in all directions, emitting a soft, positive energy that may be used to cleanse the surrounding environment or heal one’s aura. It is beneficial for calming fears or stilling a chaotic mind, and provides clear focus and a smooth transition in meditation. Celestite is highly conducive for dream recall and out of body travel, and stimulates intuitive abilities, especially in clairvoyant and clairaudient endeavors. It is a beautiful crystal that promotes purity of heart, hope, and good fortune.

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