Select a reading from those listed below and click the "Shuffle and Read" link.

Past, Present, Future

This reading explores factors that have influenced your past, present
and future.

The Daily Animal Spirit

Use this reading to see what influences will dominate your day and
plan your time accordingly.


Medicine Wheel Reading

This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the
Medicine Wheel. Choose this spread when you need a greater understanding of
the inner forces at work in your life today.

Vision Quest Reading

This reading focuses on solving a major life challenge. It explores the
pattern currently at work in your life, and possible solutions. 

Attainment Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals
for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths,
and suggest areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you
reach your goals.

Relationship Reading 

This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another
person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an
enemy. This reading can be used to explore your relationship with a group as


The Star Reading

This spread is often used to explore a very specific question.
To use this spread concentrate on a question to put before the cards
and then click below.

The Planetary Reading

This is a query spread that may yield insight into a number of different
aspects of your life’s current state. To use this spread concentrate on a
question to put before the cards and then click below.

Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals
for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths,
and suggest areas in which you will have to make some effort to ensure you
reach your goals.


The Coming Year Reading

This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your
life from month to month over the next year. In this reading Animal
Spirit Influences may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the
same Animal Spirit reflects the primary influence of many months in the year before you.

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