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Sloan Bella Psychic Medium Master Astrologer
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Natal Chart Readings
Gain profound understanding of yourself and your life path through detailed analysis of your Natal Birth Chart.
Astrology Readings
- This is a recorded Reading done from scratch
- Find out what your Birth Map really expresses
- Natal Chart Interpretation
- Please allow 6 weeks to receive
E-Mailed Natal Chart Reading
This is a beautifully structured pre written E-mailed Natal Chart Interpretation of your birth energies.
Natal Chart E-Mailed Reading
- Find out about YOU and your Personality
- Sun Moon and Rising
- Why you do what you do
- Your Natal Chart is interesting and unique to you
Answers to Your Cosmic Questions
Common Questions About your Natal Astrology Chart.
To do an Astrology properly you must have
What You Need
You need to know you exact birth time as it listed on your Birth Certificate. You can order the Birth certificated from the city Country Town “Hall of Records” Please order the Genealogical copy of your Birth Certificate because that will list the time specific.
Natal Chart Readings
You can learn exactly why you came into this life time and your energetic purpose why you feel the way you do and how to integrated your physical mental and emotional energies without judging why you are different. An Astrology Chart is the unique expression of the individual just like your finger print.
Different kinds of Astrology Readings
A Natal Chart Reading is the souls potential through the expression of planetary energy.
Solar Charts are the yearly energies you move through as the Sun returns to its Natal Position , basically the planetary makeup you will wear for that year.
Transits to your Natal Charts The energies that come in and out affecting your chart temporally. Compatibility Charts
How can astrology help me in my daily life?
Astrology is as personal and as extraordinary as your individual DNA structure. An adventure in u understanding who you are.