Your Relationship Reading
This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may
be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Your Shared Path

Your Path's Goal
Their Path's Goal

That Which Will Influence You
That Which Will Influence Them

That Which Influences You
That Which Influences Them

Your Past Influence
Their Past Influence

Your Shared Path



Badger is a ferocious opponent, unwilling to back down over any issue. Unfortunately, this unwavering stance leads some Badgers to their demise. If Badger has dug into your reading, he is asking whether you are fighting the right fight. Is this issue the hill you’re willing to die on, or are you fighting for no other reason than pure stubbornness? Think about it.


Your Path's Goal



Mockingbirds are master imitators, and can mimic the calls of many other birds. They’re also fearless protectors of their nest, and will attack any bird (no matter how large) to protect their young. Mockingbird’s lesson for you today is twofold: to listen to how you might be mimicking others, instead of listening to your own true voice; and to examine the value of what you defend. Hmmm?


Their Path's Goal



Loons mate for life, and their medicine is about loyalty, family, and deep caring for one another. If you’re experiencing a relationship fraught with power struggles, you are NOT practicing Loon medicine. If your relationship has BECOME a power struggle, Loon has appeared to remind you that this is a time of equal sharing and equal happiness. Something is amiss and Loon thinks you already know what it is.


That Which Will Influence You



Beautiful butterfly has fluttered into your reading to remind you of the powerful transformational energies at work in your life. If something important seems to be stagnating, know that transformation is at work just below the surface and just like the caterpillar, the “cocooned” situation you’re fretting about is about to be freed.


That Which Will Influence Them



Rivet! Something in your life needs cleansing, and frog is here to help. Frog is traditionally associated with rain, a powerful force of Nature that can flood, nurture, heal, or drown. If Frog appears in your reading, you’re being asked to examine what is stagnating in your life-then ask Frog to help you let it go. Need to cry? Jump in the shower and let Frog Medicine do its work.


That Which Influences You



Cougar has long been associated with leadership. Cougars are powerful, agile, and unhesitating. When Cougar attacks, he throws one hundred percent of himself into the pursuit. Although cougar is strong, he is also elusive, hard to spot in the wild until he decides to pounce. His lesson to you today is one of being a balanced leader, not rushing into the attack, not always lurking in the brush.


That Which Influences Them



When Horse came back to the Americas, he brought with him the ability to move rapidly from place to place-and it’s this rapid movement that he brings to you today. Get up, get out of the rut you’ve created. Grab Horse’s mane, pull yourself onto his back and let him carry you across the plains of your life. The time for being stuck is over.


Your Past Influence



Spider represents a connection between past and future, to remind you that the web you weave today is the web you will inhabit tomorrow. Are you spinning a balanced future? Spider is also a creator, spinning stories just as easily as she does a web. Spider in your reading asks you to consider the future you are weaving-does it include your biggest dreams?


Their Past Influence



Fox medicine represents the ability to blend in. She can change colors to blend with the seasons—becoming almost invisible against a backdrop of snow or foliage. Fox also has an amazing sense of smell that enables her to sniff out dangerous situations. Be like a Fox—street smart and safety savvy, don’t call attention to yourself as today is a day of watch and wait.


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